Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Where are the nice guys?
They are a disappearing breed and now we know why!

This site promises you (if you are a nice guy, of course) to help you break free from this syndrome.

"No More Mr. Nice Guy! presents a proven plan to help passively pleasing men stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in love and life," is the promise on this page.

And who qualifies as a nice guy? Some of the characteristics:
  • Nice guys seek the approval of others.
  • Nice guys try to hide their perceived flaws and mistakes.
  • Nice guys put other people's needs and wants before their own.
  • Nice guys sacrifice their personal power and often play the role of a victim.
  • Nice guys tend to be disconnected from other men and from their own masculine energy.
  • Nice guys co-create relationships that are less than satisfying.
  • Nice guys create situations in which they do not have very much good sex.
  • Nice guys frequently fail to live up their full potential.

Dr Robert Glover is the not very nice man behind all the mischief!

The bottom line: A man cannot be 'nice' and have what he wants in love, life and sex!

Unbelievable, but true! Check it out and tell us what you think.

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What to do with teenagers when roller skating gets old? SkyZone!

As the mother of a teenage daughter, figuring out activities that give ME a break, are nearby, don't involve computers and cell phones...