Tuesday, May 14, 2002

okay, so i've been a little cranky too.

Ladies, I'm sorry for my crankiness of late and my outloud wonderings about how and why women bother to live without men, when I know full well that this is a choice and a reality of many women. Being alone and happy with it. I on the other hand am married, but am alone for three months (maybe more), a kind of unique predicament, except for military wives, which my cellular phone carrier assumed I was the other day when I called and suspended service on my husband's phone until sometime in July.

Which brings us to the present. I am, pure and simple, a bundle of pent up female energy with no place to go. I think I could twist like a tornado through my neighborhood taking down every house and tree in my path. And this clearly is not good. Which brings me to my rather unusual question.

Does anyone know where I can buy a waterproof cordless phone to bring into the shower with me? (Blog sisters are itching their collective heads, followed by Ah ha!) Today I called my love on my regular cordless phone and I'm quite sure the water did some damage. This cannot go on. The cordless phone is my life line in more ways than one. And when I mentioned it to my husband, he said, "Ask the Blog Sisters--They'll know."

You can laugh. You can call me a helpless, useless lonely soul. Or, you can give me a link. The choice is yours.

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