Thursday, May 25, 2006
Post Research Study on Women & Technology
Hi Blog Sisters,

I'm posting this on behalf of my colleague, Heather, one of the researchers. If you have any questions, you can contact her directly at the email address below.


Are you a female born from 1970-1985? If so, you are invited to participate in a study on the digital histories of females born from 1970 to 1985. This study is an online survey that should take less than 25 minutes to complete. In this study we hope to learn the following:

· What is your digital history like? That is, in what ways in the past did you use computers, the internet, and related technology and media? How do you use them now?

· When did you begin using these technologies?

· When did you begin using these technologies for writing?

· What differences do things like age, socioeconomic class, access, and location (like urban, suburban, and rural) have on your computer use?

· What impacts did (if applicable) college, graduate school, and career have on your use?

If you are a female born from 1970 -1985, we welcome your input in this study. If you are not a female born from 1970 -1985, we would greatly appreciate if you would forward this study invitation to people who are eligible to participate.

Your participation should benefit society, and thus may benefit you indirectly, by providing information about past and current practices that can improve future practice, and may lead to changes in design of technology. In addition, respondents may enter a drawing to receive one of two $50.00 gift certificate thank you gifts for participating in the survey.

To participate, complete the survey at:

as soon as you can. Please return the survey by July 15, 2006, but if we receive your response by May 26th, and if you choose to enter the drawing, you will be entered in another drawing for an additional $50.00 gift certificate. This means you have two opportunities to win the gift if you complete the survey by May 26th.

The data you provide will be analyzed with that of other respondents and may be reported at professional conferences, in grant applications, and in professional journals. None of the information you provide will be publicly identified with you. Entering the drawing is done through a separate survey to ensure that you can not be linked to your survey data.

There should be no physical, mental, or emotional risks involved in participating.

If you have any questions about this research please contact one of the researchers:

Jennifer L. Bowie, Ph.D.,

Heather McGovern, Ph.D.,
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Post Tabloid Times
I have several new limerick posts including these:

Tabloid Times
"Are Bill and Hill still having sex?
By that question, the Times seems perplexed..."
Tabloid Times is continued here.

Ode To Rep. Jefferson
"Rep. Jefferson seems to have stashed
90 grand in his freezer - cold cash..."
Ode To Rep. Jefferson is here.

Sleeper VEEP
"There once was a GOP VEEP
Who in meetings fell soundly asleep..."
Sleeper VEEP is continued here.

Frist And Hastert Rediscover The Constitution
"Frist and Hastert don't care if the Bush administration invades the privacy of ordinary citizens. Nor do they seem bothered by the Executive branch's brazen power grab, evidenced by Bush's "de facto veto" signing statements, Congressional oversight avoidance, and sundry law breaking. But just let the Justice Department mess with one of their own, by raiding his House office, then suddenly Frist and Hastert whip out their long forgotten copies of the Separation of Powers clause..."

Frist And Hastert Rediscover The Constitution is continued here.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Post Great article on women, visibility, blogging++ - BlogSisters kudos

What makes the women-online visibility issue as important as it is--to me anyway--is that men are still grabbing the lion's share of speaking and consulting gigs related to this space--BlogHer and other women-visibility-boosting outlets aim to change that:

...Together, they decided to stop talking about where the women bloggers are and create a place for women bloggers to read each other and be read by everyone. They built on the earlier efforts of women equally determined to amplify muted female voices such as Jeneane Sessum, the Atlanta founder of Blog Sisters.

"Blog Sisters and now BlogHer give women much improved visibility in a space that now has an economic component to it," Sessum said.

A GREAT article by uberreporter Jessica Guynn in the Contra Costa Times about women and blogging and BlogHer.

Ask questions now for the Tuesday roundtable with the BlogHers++. Cool!

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