I haven't posted here in a long time, although a decade ago, I had a strong presence on this blog. A decade ago, when Jeneane Sessum brought me in to help her get Blog Sisters rolling, there seemed to be so many societal and political issues that we couldn't wait to discuss. Just, for example, check out the posts on this blog in July of nine years ago, when we were really rolling.
Of course, blogging was relatively new then, and those of us women who jumped on that band wagon were usually ones of strong and well-versed opinion who, while we might be moms and wives, opted to share, in this blog and in our own, less of those parts or our lives and more of our more intellectually creative and adventuresome pursuits. We questioned; we challenged; we ranted.
How times have changed in so much of the blogosphere!
Except the same issues still exist to plaque us as women. Yet somehow our voices have quieted. Maybe, with Facebook and Twitter etc. etc., there's just too much noise out there with which to compete.
But the same issues still exist, and I am motivated here to share a situation and discussion going on in several blogs and even on youtube.
Beause I'm a feminist and a humanist, because I still, on occasion, rant, I invite you to start here and link backward to discover what young feminist, humanist, atheist, and skeptic Rebecca Watson has stirred up among those who still think deep, blog wide, and rant fearlessly.
We used to be thinkers here on Blog Sisters -- thinkers and critics and fearless ranters. What happened?
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Germinating Memories - Social Media Hindsight
I have an interesting view of mommy blogging because I started blogging in 2001 as a mommy before there were 'mommy bloggers.' While early blogging was therapeutic, the best thing I got from the experience were a gaggle of great friends I still have today. And what I will always have from the experience are great memories.
Back in 2007, Dodge ran a campaign to get mom bloggers into their new 2008 Dodge Grand Caravans, and I was lucky enough to be one of the few moms to plop my then-9-year-old and her friends into the coolest van on the planet for a week (she remembers it as a month) for free courtesy of Dodge and Matchstick Marketing, which named me one of Atlanta's 50 most influential women bloggers. [shut up and stop giggling; I clean up nice.]
No I am not kidding, someone actually brought me a luxury vehicle and put it in my driveway free of charge AND the next day the car started by itself (back in the day when I didn't know anyone who had a car that started by itself or who had satellite radio).
We LOVED having that van. I blogged the experience not because they told me to or required it, but because it was so much fun taking preteen girls around town as they sat at the table in the back and squeeled with delight that I had to write about it.
I am laughing out loud just now remembering how Jenna kept pronouncing it as "car-van" instead of Carivan.
In using our experience for their early social media marketing efforts, Dodge didn't convert a sale; they didn't gain a spokesperson. Nor did they make me famous or give me money.
They did something way smarter - they gave my family a memory.
They gave an ordinary mom a cape and made her a super hero and she didn't forget.
They gave an ordinary kid a ride through time she never forgot.
And they made that 9-year-old a fan before she even knew enough about cars to care.
CUT TO 2011...
Even though the video is still on YouTube, it was four years ago. Next year she-who-loved-the-car-van-most-of-all will be driving.
This passage of time is most interesting of all because:
1) I am still driving my same old car I was then. It's turning 10 years old.
2) I am looking to buy a car next week.
3) After scouring car lot after car lot, sitting in Infinities and Flexes and Sequoias and Explorers and Elements and more, I still hadn't found "the" car as of yesterday.
4) Jenna came car shopping with me yesterday, saw the Grand Caravan from a distance among hundreds of other cars, and ran to it like an old lost favorite blankie -- she peered in the tinted windows and yelled: THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE 2008 DODGE CARAVAN WE DROVE FOR A MONTH!
5) I said, no, a week, not a month. She said, YES it was a MONTH, and according to her imaginary wish clock it was. And she was sure it might even be the same van, even though I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
7) I am going to test-drive it (re-test-drive-it?). I half expect to see old McDonalds fries she left under the seat.
8) I am really considering buying it.
I have learned several things:
It felt great to be valued.
It felt even better to be shown value.
Mommy bloggers, they never really wanted you - they came for your babies.
If you want a customer later, make a memory with them now.
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